Who We Are



In John 13:35 Jesus said his disciples would be known by their love for one another. The Grand Valley Church is a community of people who do just that. We strive to love God and love one another daily. We're a family of all different ages and backgrounds, each with a story of how Jesus has changed our lives.

The Grand Valley Church is a non-denominational, Bible-based church located in Grand Junction, Colorado. We were planted by the Denver Church of Christ in 2014, and are proud to be part of the worldwide fellowship known as the International Churches of Christ.

Our purpose is to teach the meaning of Christianity by sharing the teachings of Jesus Christ found in the Bible. Every member is expected to be a disciple of Jesus Christ as defined by His teachings, and our members are encouraged to build a personal relationship with God through daily practice of the spiritual disciplines.

We Believe

We believe in God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit (1 Co 8:6, Col 1:15-20, Ro 5:5).

We believe God has shown us his love through the sacrificial death, burial, and resurrection of his Son, Jesus Christ (1 Jn 4:9).

We believe the Bible is the inspired, inerrant Word of God and that it guides all areas of our lives (Heb 4:12, 2 Tim 3:16).

We gladly surrender our lives to Jesus and make him Lord because of his sacrifice for us (2 Co 5:14).

We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus at baptism for the forgiveness of our sin (Eph 2:4-9, Acts 2:38).

We believe we are filled with the Holy Spirit of God at baptism and submit ourselves to His will on a moment by moment basis (Acts 2:38, Gal 5:16-18).

We seek to follow Jesus in all we do as his disciples (Lk 9:23).

As the Church, we love one another because our brothers and sisters in Christ are just as valuable in God's sight as we are (Jn 13:34-35).

We strive to make disciples of Jesus until the world is won for Him (Matt 28:18-20). 


Max & Alyssa Anderson are our full-time ministers. They lead alongside Wes & Mandy Hopkins and Steve & Amy O'Day who serve as volunteer leaders and shepherds of the church. They both hold degrees in engineering, but have since answered God’s call to serve His church full-time, and are currently working towards their Masters through the Rocky Mountain School of Ministry & Theology. They love the Grand Valley and enjoy hiking, biking, and date nights at Pablo's Pizza. Their son, Samuel, was born in August of 2021.


MAx ANderson


Alyssa Anderson
